EN 12572-1, 2 hold joint resistance test
This test is to test the safety by reproducing the maximum load that can be applied to the climbing panel hold fastener by the force of the hold fixed to the artificial rock wall panel and the maximum dominance of the climber during climbing. This is a laboratory test that is tested in an environment of specified temperature and humidity with the prepared sample.
Therefore, it can be seen that the test environment is not a test standard that can be done in irregular sites. In addition, because EN 12572 is a test standard for materials used at the time of construction due to the nature of completion inspection, it can be seen that a certain period after construction is not the standard for testing artificial rock walls exposed to the outdoor environment.
EN 12572-1 describes how to inspect artificial rock walls already in use. The inspection focuses on finding problems such as the use of artificial rock walls, stability of the structure due to aging, corrosion, and failure, and the method of this inspection is prescribed by the manufacturer. The test method of EN 12572-1 is not intended for inspection of rock walls in use. (See Appendix G)
[A] EN 12572-1, 2: 2007 version
1. Sampling: Samples made of the same material and manufacturing process as the test subject
2. Test procedure
-Assemble the eye bolt and distance ring to the corresponding fastener with a torque of 15 Nm.
-Apply a load of 5kN to the eyebolt in the axial direction for 60 seconds.
-The test must be performed by a'Class A'testing organization.

※ Since the 2017 version was released, different parts of the previous version are not valid.
[B] EN 12572-1, 2: 2017 version
1. Sampling: Samples made of the same material and manufacturing process as the test subject
2. Test procedure
-Fix the eye bolt (hold fixed bolt condition and retractor connection) and distance ring (hold condition) to the test hold fastener.
-Load the sample up to (7,2 土 0,05) kN at a speed of (20 土 2) mm/min.
-Holds the load for 30 seconds
-Unscrew the rod to (1,2 ± 0,05) kN and measure the deformation.
-Maintain a load of (1,2 ± 0,05) kN for 30 seconds.
-Load the sample up to (12 ± 0,05) kN at a speed of (20 土 2) mm/min.
-The test is conducted under the conditions of temperature (23±2) ° C and relative humidity (50 土 10) %.

[C] Climbing panel hold joint resistance test configuration conditions
1. Sample conditions
2. Test conditions such as hold fixed, maximum load by climber dominance
3. Fixing of sample or installation condition of retractor
4. Towing condition
5. Judgment

※ This is the interpretation and opinion of Discovery CS, but it is described from the most objective point of view. Anyone who has a disagreement can raise an objection, but we politely refuse to disparage or advocate a particular company.